8 Mar 2015


Desolation, brutality, dark humor. Basic ingredients of every successful Scandinavian noir thriller, when skillfully mixed together.

„In the order of disappearance” has all the above mentioned, but not in the right amount and scale. Brutal crime is there, motif of father’s (Stellan Skarsgard) revenge as well. Humor is where the script tends to deviate into banality, only to totally collapse after the appearance of the Serbian mobsters led by Bruno Ganz and Sergej Trifunović.

From then on and all the way to the tragicomic finale, „In the order of disappearance” is just begging you to „disappear it” from your hard drive/player due to its shallow and caricature unfolding and acting.

Heavy failure, despite the great atmosphere of desolated Norwegian snowy landscape.

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