20 Jan 2016


Modern Serbian cinema struggles hard to compete with the other European cinematographies due to lack of money, as well as some extensive corruption and misplaced funding by the state.

Even so, every couple of years, a bright star shines across the Serbian film sky, offering us some truly remarkable dramatic achievements. One of those flicks is yet another great movie by Srdan Golubovic, ”Circles” (other being ''The Trap''), heart chilling war story about the tragedy prevented that led to another tragedy and all of its consequences for the people involved.

Camera and directing are at the level of the more developed film industries in Europe, followed by very well balanced casting. Aleksandar Bercek is simply flawless, backed up by reliable Nebojsa Glogovac andn Leon Lucev, while the much appraised young Nikola Rakocevic falls behind the rest of the cast.

As for the flaws, the major would be too sudden and sketchy ending, undeserved by such a quality developed story and characters.

Overall, ”Circles” represent one of the best European indie dramas in 2013, as well as the best Serbian movie in this decade.

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