7 Mar 2017


German contender for this year's „Oscar” for best foreign language movie was a sort of a peculiar mix of comedy and drama, telling the semi-serious story about a caring father that desires to bring some humor into his daughter's busy and harsh business life in Bucharest.

„Toni Erdmann” will be done in a genuine European manner, with slow tempo and long shots creating the needed atmosphere of nuisance and embarrassment for the main character. Humor will step in to wake the viewer up when down tempo takes over, but the show will definitely be stolen by the ruthless representation of the Romanian society in transition between utter poverty and the scavanger multinational companies.

However, the overall result will stop somewhere in between, not rewarding the viewer after 160 minutes of movie with something fruitful and finished.

„Toni Erdmann” is a solid European flick, but nothing more than that.

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