3 Apr 2018


Historical drama in modern day Hollywood is in a dead end that seems endless at this moment. There are just not some decent scripts left, even if they are depicting some of the most fascinating characters and events of our civilization.

Yes, not even the rise of Winston Churchill to power can give us a non-sweetened and real story without much distortion of historical facts. No, ’’Darkest hour’’ can’t even grant us with some decent acting, and if Gary Oldman receives the ’’Golden boy’’ for his somewhat parody-like portrayal of the greatest British politician of this century, it will represent a injustice, both to his impeccable career and his opponents in ’’Kodak Theater’’.

On the other hand, not everything will be dark in ’’Darkest hour’’, since Joe Wright will give us some really great focusing, light and overhead cuts, making it deservedly to all the major directing nominations.

’’Darkest hour’’ will represent the feast for the eye, but your brain will be pretty much annoyed during the entire course of the movie.

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