12 Mar 2016


Rare were public figures in modern US history that raised so much hype and controversy as Steve Jobs, so two movie interpretations in just couple of years after his passing can not be considered as a surprise.

To be clear and unambigous, Danny Boyle's „Steve Jobs” by far exceeds the substandard „Jobs” with Ashton Kutcher (Oh, dear God!) qualitywise. And it still isn't anything more than just an average flick.


Steve Jobs's lifestory just isn't enough to make a superb movie everybody is trying to make. There isn't enough quality material there to attract and keep the attention of the average movie viewer. This can not be replaced even by very solid roles of Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslett, nor by the innovative approach of telling his lifestory through the backstage preparations for three most important presentations in his career Boyle uses this time.

„Steve Jobs” is just one average flick on a below average topic.

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