18 Feb 2017


There are movies written for certain actors and it is always a pleasure to see those two come together in sweet harmony, as did Denzel Washington and the theatrical play about family, life and racial segregation in the America in 1950s, „Fences”.

Have no doubt, „Fences” is a monodrama and all the remaining cast will serve only to complement Mr. Washington. He will, on the other hand pour his entire talent into this one, changing the emotions with ease, going through several life periods and dilemmas that follow it. There won't be any rest for him all the way to the end of this realistic drama and he will relentlessly devour all of his screen time, rushing on the wave of social activity towards his third and most deserved „oscar” for best male lead. Every other decision will represent one of the greatest inequities of modern mainstream US cinema.

„Fences” is a great theatrical play transferred into a good movie lead by a fantastic actor.

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