8 Feb 2017


Michael Fassbender will never be Jack Nicholson nor Daniel Day-Lewis. Michael Fassbender will also never be like Matt Damon or Ben Affleck. Michael Fassbender will be somewhere in between those two acting extremes, carefully balancing with his choice of roles that vary from mindless blockbusters to total indie. Total indie like the British story about an Irish family of lowlifes that harass the peaceful neighborhood with their heists and car chases.

The backbone of the script will be the twisted relationship between the authoritarian father (Brendan Gleeson) and his eldest son (Fassbender), but that spine will twist under the mediocre development until it finally snaps at he end of the movie. On the other hand, acting will be solid throughout the entire course of the flick, rewarding the viewer for the emptiness of the plot.

„Trespass against us” is a movie for the fans of Mr. Fassbender and not many more.

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