10 Feb 2017


Japanese animated flicks are nothing like the ones in the West, especially when it comes to the subject of their scripts. Devastating story about an orphan boy and his little sister and their struggle to survive US napalm-bombings and the starvation that follow it is one of the most heartbreaking in the history of cinema.

Graphic style is of the highest level, just as always when it comes to „Ghibli” studios, but the animated medium falls into backplan of the merciless story. Symbollism will be one of the most powerful ever, making your eyes wet throughout the entire course of this dramatic cartoon. And like in all great Asian movies, the end will be brutal, bearing a powerful message that these things can never happen again, while simoultaneously raising an epitaph to the entire generation of children that were burned in the furnace of war like the fireflies.

„Grave of the fireflies” is the most serious animated flick ever and one the best ones as well.


FOTO: nerdist.com

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