28 Dec 2016


„Star Wars” was a drenched out franchise, downgraded to a lavish video material for children with ADD, destined to a neverending self-recycling in the decades to come. Or it looked like that, when the new owners of the copyrights decided to make a spinoff serial that nobody wanted. And not only that. The new owners decided to try to make something a little bit different, with more creative, visual and storyline freedom, wooing the new, young generation ofdirectors and acotrs along that way.

It can easily be said that Gareth Edwards and „Rogue one” saved the „Star wars” franchize from extinction. They did it by writing a real-life scenario with brutal development and outcome(s) discreetly linked to the original movies. They did it by creating a gloomy, dark atmosphere and „Bladerunner-like” production sets, followed by some serious supporting cast (Mads Mikkelsen, Forest Whitaker, Riz Ahmed). They did it without the trademark excessive pathetic and they did it with some serious cynical humor. They also managed to dose up the action sequences and to create a powerful closure without the tacky happy end.

On the other hand, they failed to generate credible two major roles (Felicity Jones, Diego Luna) and a they failed to create a villain capable of withstanding the tremendous impact of Darth Vader.

Overall, „Rogue One: A Star wars story” is a very good beginning of something that can be a great spinoff sub-franchize.

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