15 Dec 2016


Sidney Lumet is one of those directors who knew how to shoot a perfect movie in every genre he touched. He was meticulous and consistent in every major aspect of one movie, so „12 angry men” is no exception.

At the same time, the 1950s were also the „golden era” of theatre-like scripts in Hollywood, so there was rarely a flick that didn’t require viewer’s full attention during its course. Storyline is everything in „12 angry men”, revolving around a group of jurors closed inside one room until they deliver the verdict about the homicide case allegedly committed by a young African American. Henry Fonda leads the cast in a persuasive and dominant way, but every single actor gets his time on the screen and sheds his portion of light on a particular subject or motif.

Everything will be shot with one camera inside a single room, heavily using the trolley, crane and rotation. Tension will be created with narrow shots, sweat and character of the acting itself. Twist and turns will drive the entire story to the everlasting dilemma at the very end, forcing the viewer to follow every single aspect of the story.

„12 angry men” is the ultimate courthouse movie and also one of the best dramas in the entire history of Hollywood.

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