23 Dec 2016


Alfred Hitchcock basically invented the thriller, creating the postulates of tension on the big screen long before the golden age of the genre itself. He did it in  a old school fashion, with minimum on screen violence and blood, tangling with the viewer's mind.

„Rear window” brings us the original concept of photographer (immortal James Stewart) strapped to a wheelchair that begins to suspect his neighbor is a murderer. Suspicion is the backbone of the script that is placed in a small inner courtyard of the building and it succeeds to drag every person living there in it, including the lead character's girlfriend (Grace Kelly). Things are getting more and more complicated as the dilemma grows, leading to a final crescendo.

The major flaw of the script is the production uncapable of visually presenting the final showdown as well as certain naïve explanations and action sequences.

„Rear window” is a great old school thriller and a role model in the decades that followed its appearance.

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