14 Dec 2016


Jerome Bixby is an old school writer of the sci-fi („Twilight zone” - movie, „Star Trek” – TV series) and his final testimony bears that spirit of storytelling.

„The man from earth” can hardly be classified as a movie itself, since it is basically a theatre play filmed by a cheap camera. Casting is all „B” and „C” and the production is on the level of TV movie endeavours. But all of that won't matter at all since the script steals the show and awes tha average viewer offering some of the most memorable ideas and dialogues in the newer movie history.

The basic concept of a man saying goodbye to a bunch of friends and colleagues by revealing a shocking truth about himself is just the begining. Story and plot thickens from that point, sucking in philosophy, history, science and religion along its way. The outcome will be only logical and so inspiring that your brain will refuse to stop working after the credits.

„The man from Earth” is one of the most original science fiction movies ever made and maybe the best „small” movie in history of indie production.

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