12 Dec 2016


George Orwell's timeless classic about the futuristic tyrany ruthelessly controlling and brainwashing its minions longed for a decent movie adaptation ever since it was written. That adaptation finally came in a Michael Radford's version from 1984.

Although the script altered the original book significanly (especially towards the end) the main idea is there, gaining strength and destruction as time goes by. Simply, the modern everyday political world became the one Orwell described, and we are those minions being harassed. The movie itself will follow that main idea nicely, using grim production sets and Nazi-like costimography to illustrate the harshness of the „Ingsoc” party and Big Brother. John Hurt and particularly Richard Burton played their roles reliably, as well as the supporting cast. The very end will be sort of a anticlimax, but that won't alter the overall positive impression.

„1984” is a great book transferred into a very good movie.

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